In the definitive proposal for a regional hunting plan, the council of Tuscany will have to take into account, also by initiating the appropriate consultation with the organizations of the agricultural and hunting world, of the possibility of safeguarding the authorizations in place as regards the hunting huts on the Massaciuccoli lake, also evaluating the most appropriate ways to allow holders to transfer their authorization either in life, or after death.
This is the commitment voted on January 14 by the regional council with a special resolution presented by the regional councilor and president of the environment and territory commission Stefano Baccelli (Pd). The document was linked to the information that the regional councilor Marco Remaschi held in the classroom to inform the Council on the definition of the new wildlife plan of Tuscany. "This resolution - explained Baccelli speaking in the courtroom - was created to recall the contents of a motion approved last March and which took on the problem of hunting lodges on Lake Massaciuccoli, recalling that the decision of the Province of Lucca 3427/2015 makes the lake itself and the marshes of Massaciuccoli return to the Natura 2000 sites which have densities of fixed postings higher than the provincial average density (1,4 postings / 100 hectares) and in which hunting is reported as a critical activity.
This quota measure prevents anyone who currently holds the license from surrendering it while alive or having others take over after death. This regulatory deadlock will be overcome with the approval of the new regional hunting plan, the process of which today has seen its important start ". "I believe - Baccelli clarified - that it is the right occasion to safeguard a traditional form of hunting that in those territories has given so much in terms of culture, not only to the hunting world since the same hunters holding authorization, in the preparation of the stalking, they also carry out activities of environmental interest, providing for the maintenance and cleaning of the environment.
It is therefore - he concluded - to find the usual balance between resource protection and hunting ”. Criticisms come instead from the regional councilor of the League, Elisa Montemagni: "In March 2019 we presented a resolution proposal without neglecting another act, also of the League, voted, at the time, in the municipality of Massarosa, in which we asked to change the rules relating to hunting stalks, such as those present on Lake Massaciuccoli; it did not seem right, for example, that there could not be an automatic transfer of concessions from father to son "(Lucca live).