As has been the case for twenty years now, the municipal section of Montelupone (province of Macerata) of Italian Federation of Hunting organized the traditional ecological day in collaboration with the municipal administration. The goal is always the same, namely recovery and the cleaning of the many rural sources which are found in this territory of the Marche. It is the confirmation of how much the hunting world is linked to nature and respects it.
This year, despite the pioggia of the previous days, the members of the association section and some employees of the municipality met at the camper area and, after the usual photo, divided into groups, have begun the work of cleaning up the sources. It is good to remember that until a few decades ago the sources were used by local farmers and therefore kept in perfect conditions of use, while now many are abandoned, covered with brambles and brushwood.
With their restoration we try to bring them back to their original function also because they are essential, especially in these increasingly hot summers, as watering points important for all wildlife. As always, the Monteluponese hunters have demonstrated with concrete facts their sensitivity for the protection and enhancement of their territory.