PSA and more
The National Council of took place on Saturday 21 December Arch Hunting. An assembly in which the 2025 Budget Forecast and the substantial political address report illustrated by the President were approved. Many topics were proposed, starting with the good progress of membership, which sees the southern regions in excellent shape, with substantial stability in the center-north. Maximum attention was paid to the areas affected by PSA, a sign that the problems brought by this disease are starting to be felt in our world. This requires a serious reflection on our behaviors that will have to be focused even more on combating the spread of this virus.
Small sedentary game
Maffei recalled the battle for pluralism undertaken by the Association which, with the ruling of the TAR of Calabria and the referral to the Constitutional Court of the Abruzzo dispute, sees the collection of positive results in the fight against the exclusion of minor Associations from the ATC and the monopoly of the majority. From the many interventions of the Councilors a constant has come, which the President has immediately made his own, the request to work to propose a hunting idea that allows the protection of this practice in compliance with its public and social component, promoting a sustainable and conscious harvest and a relaunch of small sedentary game also and above all thanks to a new alliance with the agricultural world with a strong detachment from the call of the sirens tempting of privatistic drifts that permeate a part of the farmers and hunting associations.
The main concerns
Maffei has taken up and made his own the concerns expressed by the Presidency in recent days regarding the modification of 157 which would allow, among other things, in the event of an appeal with suspension against a Hunting Calendar, the return into force of the previous one. A very dangerous legal gimmick for the reasons that we are going to list:
- Calendars are regional resolutions with an expiry date, it is difficult to bring an expired act back into force
- The appeals challenge parts of the Calendar and not the entire act, which is approved based on specific data for the current year. Can the replacement with the act from the previous year stand?
- since the appeals arrive annually, are we sure that the calendar that comes back into force is not worse than the one contested in the current year?
- These considerations cause us great concern, we hope that, this time too, we will not be affected by the role of the talking cricket.
The Mantra of the Meeting
The helm is firmer than ever, the mantra of the last Council meeting was “ARCI CACCIA 2026”. The next congressional stage was confirmed by the National Council as the natural one of 2026, if there was still any need. The conclusions of President Maffei were approved by the National Council also in the part where he thundered that: every statement, interview and press release published in the previous days are to be understood as entirely personal considerations and thoughts that do not reflect the political line of the Presidency and the National Council.