La Control room of the Tuscan hunting associations, learned from a press release of the CNCN (National Hunting and Nature Committee) of the constitution of a new association to protect and promote AFV and ATV, intends to express its deep concern. Read carefully the project carried out by Coldiretti and CNCN, for the associations making up the Tuscan Control Room, without prejudice to the rights and expectations of farmers, the guiding star is and remains the defense of social hunting andArticle 842 of the CC.
Arci Caccia, Enalcaccia, Liberacaccia and Italcaccia therefore want to express their opposition to any prospect of expanding the space dedicated to Private Wildlife Institutes and any hypothesis of the establishment of paid hunting models. Our associations will oppose any design in this sense, whether it comes from politics, farmers or other associations, hunting or not. The protection of hunting and hunters remains our first objective (The Associations making up the Control Room of the Tuscan Hunting Associations Arci Caccia, Enalcaccia, Italcaccia and Liberacaccia).