Rome, 30 June 2023 – After having promptly intervened in recent days with the Government to clarify the circumstances of a supposed and then revealed to be unfounded, postponement of the final date for the collection of presentation signatures for the two anti-hunting referendums in progress, the associations united in the unitary control room of the hunting world (Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, ANLC, ANUUM Migratoristi, Italcaccia and the CNCN National Hunting and Nature Committee) return to require the utmost attention by the Institutions in charge of the correct performance of the signature collection operations in all their forms.
With a letter sent to the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, to the Central Office for the Referendum at the Supreme Court of Cassation and to the numerous Municipalities that had unexpectedly followed up on what later turned out to be a totally irregular initiative by the Association Now Referendum against hunting, the control room underlined how this alleged extension, communicated by the Municipalities on their respective institutional websites, in addition to being illegitimate, arbitrary and unjustified, is in fact intended to question the validity of the whole referendum procedure, inviting the institutions to take the necessary measures.
At the same time, recognizing possible irregularities in the method of online signature collection currently implemented by other associations promoting referendums against hunting, the control room asked the competent bodies in the matter to carefully monitor the congruity and compatibility with the current legislation of the procedure.