La League for the Abolition of the Hunt (LAC) has also decided to go through the last degree of judgment as regards the wildlife hunting plan of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Seven months ago the Regional Administrative Court had established that it could not proceed, but now the association has turned to Council of State to present yet another appeal. According to the LAC, the document would not have incorporated many indications from ISPRA, besides being excessively biased in favor of hunters and hunters.
The points that led to the new judgment are different, including the hunting of roe deer and deer with the hounds, the lack of planning of the hunting ungulates based on the real consistency of the animals and the introduction of game "Ready hunting". There is no shortage of references to the failure to provide protection zones along migratory routes and to the use of lead in various wetlands.
The appeal was presented together with the lawyer of the Antivivisection League (LAV), a technical table was also requested to discuss the review of the wildlife plan. Last May the TAR decided to welcome the appeal presented by the regional section of Federcaccia against the plan, canceling it due to some flaws in the investigation (the requests of the hunting world were not taken into due consideration).