Councilor Antonini's choices In the last few hours, Councilor for Hunting Andrea Maria Antonini has called together the regional hunting associations (via videoconference) to discuss the first draft proposal for the 2025/2026 regional hunting calendar for the Marche. Compared to what emerged in the...
The historic signature of 1971 Sunday, February 2, is celebrated as “World Wetlands Day”, which commemorates the signing of the historic Ramsar Convention in 1971 and which is now shared by 172 countries. The global results are...
Looking to the next year The most heartfelt and experienced part of the hunting season, the migratory one and with the dog, officially closes. Some considerations at the end of a troubled period, which saw Federcaccia and all its resources...
Hunting for thrushes The failure to validate the criminal seizure of the hunters who – as is known to all Calabrian enthusiasts – were charged last Thursday afternoon with hunting thrushes and even more...
Immovable Marks The regional resolution has been made official, and after many months of waiting, it defines the technical characteristics and methods of issuing and affixing the new immovable marks for the use of live decoys in hunting in Lombardy. In...
Need for renewal The Provincial Council Federcaccia Brescia, among other things, took stock of the activity of the single ATC of Brescia, both in reference to ordinary and extraordinary activity. This is the report: "Our representatives in ATC Gianpietro Recenti and Oscar...
Suspension of hunting One could say “he who is the cause of his own misfortune should cry for himself” unfortunately those who are not the cause of the problem that led to the suspension of the hunting calendar are also crying. It is worth remembering...
Constitutional Court No “anti-hunting” referendum among those deemed admissible by the Constitutional Court in recent days. Massimo Buconi, president of the National Hunting Federation, talks about it today regarding one of the most current topics in the hunting field. Democratic Process Buconi added:...
Reference to FIDC Below is the joint press release from the regional sections of the Marche Region of Arci Caccia, Libera Caccia, Ente Produttori Selvaggina and Enalcaccia to the Region: "The undersigned hunting associations formulate the following joint observation: total NON-sharing and NON-...
No more fines The Tuscany Region, with the DGR 24 of two days ago, January 20, 2025, has granted the possibility of completing the annual renewal of the stakeouts in paper form until next February 28, removing the pecuniary sanction...
Budget Law ANUUMigratoristi approves and appreciates the changes to law 157 introduced with the Budget Law 2025 considering them an important first step forward in trying to restore safety and legal certainty to Italian hunters by putting at the...
Principles to be protected The recognized hunting associations (Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, ANLC, Arcicaccia, ANUUMigratoristi, Italcaccia) and the CNCN – National Hunting and Nature Committee, gathered in the single Control Room of the hunting world, have recently filed a brief with the Constitutional Court in...
Animalist ideology Here we go again. After the ridiculous, expensive and absolutely useless farce of the sheep nets unrolled for kilometers between Liguria and Piedmont, now even the Abruzzo Region has given in to the hysterical and completely unscientific pressure of the Italian animalist ideology...
Field Practice Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th January were held the two days of study and field practice that allowed a new group of handlers to qualify in this canine specialty. Organized by the section...
The appeal to the Regions This is the summary of the latest video released by Federcaccia: "The will expressed by the recent modification to article 18 of 157/92 is clear. We ask that the Regions follow its spirit without giving in to the unmotivated opposition and warnings of the various...
Hunting Calendar We hereby inform you that in compliance with the Order of the VI Section of the Council of State issued this morning which accepts the request to suspend hunting of thrushes and woodcocks, and that the said order considers...
A desired comparison A positive and constructive meeting took place yesterday afternoon, in the suggestive setting of Piazza Duomo in Florence, between the Regional President of Federcaccia Toscana-UCT and National Vice President of Federcaccia, Marco Salvadori, and the President of the Region...
Defense of the calendar Davide Bacciu, regional president of Federcaccia Sardegna, released the following statements regarding the current hunting situation on the island: “The Federcaccia (alone, together with the Region) has attempted to defend the regional hunting calendar also in favor of...
Social recovery Arci Caccia Vibo Valentia, always active in social and voluntary activities, has signed an agreement with the Department for Juvenile and Community Justice for the implementation of social recovery projects for people entrusted...
Small sedentary game Yesterday the Associations of the Steering Committee of the Tuscan Hunting Associations met with Vice President Saccardi. The purpose of the meeting was the CAV 2025 agreement, the Wildlife Hunting Plan and the small game crisis. In the...
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]