The insults on Facebook, the security of being protected by a screen and keyboard that too often gets hot for those who think they can say anything without calculating the possible consequences, only to be held accountable for their actions. RM, 53 years old from Vicenza, is well aware of this, denounced in a state of freedom by the agents of the Vicenza Police Headquarters for insult to the Republic and institutions. The episode jumped in the eyes of investigators during the usual monitoring activity of websites and social platforms.
It was then that the agents realized that the man had commented an article published on the Facebook page of "Il Giornale di Vicenza", with offensive and disparaging terms manifesting, specifically, profound bitterness and hostility towards the State Institutions, especially towards the State Police and its members. In a short time, the investigations undertaken made it possible to identify and report the perpetrator of the offenses to the Judicial Authority.
In consideration of what happened and the attitude shown by the accused, who also includes a previous prejudice at his own expense, the Police Commissioner of the Province of Vicenza Paolo Sartori ordered the administrative seizure of a semiautomatic pistol cal. 7,65 and 55 rounds of ammunition, as well as the revocation of the firearms license. "As I have already had the opportunity to reiterate on previous occasions - commented Commissioner Sartori - the web cannot be considered a virtual environment where one enjoys immunity from offensive utterances or integrating others, more serious offenses. Even what is shared on social networks has repercussions: I am referring, specifically, to potential consequences of a judicial nature that derive from illicit behavior that is sometimes even more severe than what happens in a real context "(Echo of Vicenza).