Coordination table
Among the meetings of the various working groups and the meetings that preceded and took place as a corollary to the 68th National Assembly of the Hunting Federation, a moment of particular significance was held at the table of the Coordination of the Sectoral Associations of the Italian Hunting Federation – UNCZA, AICA, UCIM, ACMA, UNCF and UNCC –, held in the presence of the National President Massimo Buconi and the Presidential Councilor Oscar Stella, who holds the role of manager and organizer.
Shared will
Of particular significance is the shared desire to relaunch the UNCC, a historic sector of wild boar hunters in which the late Franco Nobile, a famous oncologist and equally well-known hunting writer and passionate hunter, believed and worked so hard.
Swine fever
In a moment of particular criticality, dictated above all by the PSA and consequent obligations and difficulties for the teams, relaunching a branch of the Federation that deals specifically with this form of hunting in addition to giving an answer to the many requests coming from the territories, is considered of great use for a synergic action with what the National is doing for this emergency since it manifested itself in our country (source: Federcaccia).