For years, in fact, there has been a real one "Overflow" of the role that Ispra should have, delegated to assist the activity of the Regions through the expression of technical advisory opinions (mandatory but not binding) that have become, in fact, over time, themselves the law. A distortion of the ratio legis that is not only compromising the regional hunting seasons throughout Italy, to the detriment of our hunters and the Regions, reduced to the rank of mere appearance in the matter, but which, not taking into due account the territorial diversity of our country, it effectively eliminates the very sense of regional autonomy that the legislator wished to reserve for the individual Regions in the preparation of their hunting calendars. A situation no longer tolerable as well as illegitimate, on which the Ministry should say a word clear and definitive".
This is what the Lega - ID MEPs declare in a statement Marco Dreosto e Massimo Casanova, respectively vice-president and member of the Hunting and Biodiversity Intergroup in the EU.