Tomorrow, Sunday 20 September 2015, the opening of the 2015-2016 Hunting Season will be official and the Italian Federation of Hunting, Enalcaccia, ANUUMigratoristi, Arci Caccia, EPS and the National Hunting and Nature Committee turn a strong "good luck!" to all cacciators who are preparing to carry out the general opening.
But Passion it must be accompanied by judgment, therefore attention to safety, respect for the rules and respect for the territory and agricultural crops are the main recommendations.
A few hours separate us from the general opening of the hunt. The "real" one. The one that all hunters look forward to with trepidation. A "rite", which beyond its meaning from the hunting point of view is an appointment that no hunter wants to miss, that feels and lives like a party.
A sort of family reunion, of that large and beautiful family which for the majority of its members has now completed the desired unitary federative process, with the hope that others will also join. A communion of intentions and objectives that will allow our world to be more and more representative towards the institutions. The latest events on the problem of ungulates prove this.
But on this eve we think above all to enjoy a beautiful day for the emotions that determines the passion for nature lived positively, for the culture and civilization that are in the ars venandi. And to make it so, we recommend the utmost attention to safety, always and in any case. Ours and others. We respect and enforce the rules that drive our business.
We pay attention to where our steps lead us and where our assistants look for game, aware that on the ground we tread on we are guests of those who work there and with increasing effort draws sustenance and income from it, often looking at us as a friend - which increasingly wants to be such - which helps it contain intrusive game that puts it at risk.
Let us always remember that we are under the eyes of a society that is not always benevolent towards us. We have the task of making people understand that hunting and those who practice it can be a great help for the common good of the country, for its natural resources, the territory, the fauna and the economy. Even with behavior and practice, according to the dictates of ancient ethics and values, while updated to modern needs and sensibilities.
Let's make sure that this positive image is transmitted from day one and that, ever more united, motivated and recognized in our role as wildlife and environment managers, we can celebrate many, countless other “Dawns of the Opening”.
To all Italian hunters therefore, "Good luck!"
FIdC - Enalcaccia - ANUUMigrators - Arci Caccia - Eps - CNCN
(September 19, 2015)