What does the ordinance specifically provide? First of all, the abatement interventions must be carried out only by authorized persons who are in possession of the requisites established by law. Furthermore, these subjects must be part of the two teams that are active in the area and that report to three people identified at theTerritorial Hunting Area ("Northern Tanaro"). The mayor intervened following the numerous reports of the presence of wild boars during the day and at night: the animals have ruined agricultural crops and approached private homes several times, also putting road traffic at risk.
The ordinance also refers to interventions aimed at containment that took place regularly and effectively, but which at the same time could not give the desired results because wild boars usually take refuge in the protected area where hunting is forbidden. Among other things, we are talking about the same reserve that is used for the training of hunting dogs. The containment must in any case take place ensuring the safety conditions for citizens and hunters themselves, in full compliance with the prescriptions that will be issued by the provincial hunting guards.
A copy of the document just described was also sent to the Hunting and Fishing Office of theProvincial Administration of Asti, to the State Forestry Corps, to the Carabinieri Station of Cocconato (a municipality which is about 7 kilometers from Aramengo), to the Municipal Police of Valtriversa and the aforementioned “Northern Tanaro” Hunting Territorial Area.
Any recourse to the provision may be presented to the Prefect of Asti within 30 days of its publication or, alternatively, within 60 days from publication to the Piedmont Regional Administrative Court. The protected natural area rises between the territory of Aramengo and Tonengo: the woods are undoubtedly one of the main presences of this territory, used in the past for the management of the municipal heritage, confirming a strategic importance that was confirmed during the weather.
Finally a public administrator who has had the courage of his actions and face the wild boar problem in the right way, we hope that some anti-hunt or political opponent does not get in the way just for the sake of being contrary to a sensible ordinance.
I say good mayor Massaia there were like him.
A greeting
Ferdinand Ratti