Let's get to know two distinct hunts for habitat and habits of partridges and pheasants, another example of strong collaboration between hunter and dog, which developed with discipline and empathy leads to the success of a hunting trip. We are also going to address a much discussed and interesting topic for modern days: the approach of young people to the hunting world. The willingness of hunting lovers to transmit and involve children is very resentful, inheriting the basic values of hunting, namely respect for the rules, for nature, passion and bond with the environment and animals. In this episode we present an association that deals with the protection of the world of hunters: the National Free Hunting Association. (Video ArtemideCaccia)
The location chosen for the first stage of the SABATTI WORLD ON TOUR 2022 is Tenuta Bonicelli, located in Piedmont in the heart of the Roero. In the first part of the day, a hunt for the small and crafty game brought ...
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