Containment of wild boars
The Region of Veneto convened and met with the main agricultural professional organizations and hunting associations on Friday 2 August, to take stock of the epidemiological situation of the ASF and its related control interventions, as well as to evaluate the actions focused on containing the wild boar population, in order to achieve to the desirable result of eradication of the species. The aim of the meeting was also to cement the collaboration between the agricultural sector and hunting associations, in the implementation of the measures and actions envisaged by the PRIU and its recent adaptation to the Extraordinary Plan for catching and killing wild boars. Present were the regional councilor for Agriculture, Federico Caner, and the regional councilor for Hunting, Cristiano Corazzari, the representatives of the Veneto hunting associations, the Director of the Territorial Marketing, Culture, Tourism, Agriculture and Sport Area of the Veneto Region and the Directors respectively of the Animal Health and Veterinary Medicines Unit and of the Wildlife and Hunting Planning and Management Unit.
Regional intervention plan
“The good news is that to date African Swine Fever has not yet affected the regional territory, but we must keep our guard up because the epidemic is spreading in the neighboring south-western regions – intervenes the regional councilor for Hunting, Cristiano Corazzari -. With a recent council provision, the Regional Plan of Urgent Interventions (PRIU) for the management, control and eradication of African Swine Fever has been integrated, identifying four pig districts in the regional territory where to intensify wild boar control and containment actions. Furthermore, with a further provision, the Regional Council has extended the validity of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Region and the professional agricultural organizations for the distribution of capture tools until 31 December 2025. I would like to remind you that, with the same provision, the and integrated the intervention measures established by the PRIU and functional to achieving the objectives defined by it. The objective is to intensify and strengthen control actions to progressively reduce the wild boar population until reaching the desirable "zero density", envisaged by the Extraordinary Plan to combat African swine fever, approved by the Extraordinary Commissioner of the PSA. In this regard, I thank the professional organizations and hunters who, alongside the provincial police, contribute with their voluntary service to the actions of containment and control of wild boar in Veneto".
A real emergency
“It was a moment of important discussion between the agricultural and hunting worlds to share a strategy and raise awareness among individual categories of this health emergency – reports the Veneto Agriculture Councilor, Federico Caner -. This social pact intends to support all the actions that will be necessary to combat and eradicate wild boars in those areas that are considered most sensitive. This is a real emergency for which even the compensation for law enforcement activities will have to follow the procedures envisaged in these specific cases. What is certain is that, as an administration, we are aware that the situation at a national level is alarming and requires a real contrast plan to contain the damage and consequences that could also affect Veneto farms". Regional Councilor Corazzari concluded by highlighting that the approval of a further provision is underway aimed at appointing a single Coordinator at regional level, who will have the task of coordinating the activities of all the subjects involved and, at the same time, monitoring the concrete implementation of the measures contemplated by the PRIU. (Source VENETO REGION)