The Provincial Police of Ancona intensifies the control of the territory for the protection of the fauna and to combat the phenomenon of poaching.
At the height of the hunting season, the control activities carried out by the police service of the Province of Ancona intensify which, in the month of October alone, successfully completed some operations to ensure maximum protection of migratory birds. The provincial staff was in many cases supported by voluntary hunting, fishing and environmental security guards.
Numerous identifications of people caught in illegal hunting activities and administrative sanctions imposed for non-observance of the safety distance from roads and homes. The monitoring work covered the entire provincial territory. In the countryside of Senigallia, two people were reported in possession of an acoustic signal prohibited by law. The instrument was immediately seized together with the weapons used.
In Falconara and Chiaravalle, on the other hand, two hunters surprised to kill specimens of protected species were stopped. In both cases, the report was immediately filed with the Public Prosecutor's Office and the seizure of both the weapons and the killed fauna was ordered. Important operations were also completed in the mountain area. In Sassoferrato, for example, the control of temporary stalking allowed the seizure of a prohibited weapon and the referral to the judicial authority of the hunter who used it.
A similar case also occurred in two ambushes located in the countryside of Corinaldo, near the Cesano river, where two administrative penalties were raised for non-compliance with the rules on the hunting option and a criminal complaint for the use of a weapon. with more shots than allowed, which, also in this case, was seized along with about twenty head of game killed.
"The interventions made by our police service - says the extraordinary commissioner of the Province of Ancona Patrizia Casagrande - are becoming increasingly fundamental not only to counter poaching activities in our territory, but also to allow hunting activities to be carried out. in the maximum safety conditions, both for hunters and for the inhabitants in the centers close to the hunting areas ".
8th November 2012
Press Office of the Province of Ancona