During an intense control activity aimed at repression of the illegal hunting activity, the staff of the Forest Station Command of Brindisi carried out seizures and referred six subjects to the Judicial Authority in the last two weeks. In particular, the agents on duty at the Brindisi Station Command surprised some people who, in the territories of the municipalities of San Pietro Vernotico, Latiano, Francavilla Fontana and Brindisi, illegally practiced hunting. Both offenses relating to weapons, provided for by the criminal code, as well as violations of the hunting law have been contested: in some cases it has been ascertained the killing of protected wildlife, such as finches (Fringilla coelebs), the exercise of hunting activity in the absence of the prescribed firearms license for hunting use, in other cases some subjects were discovered while using hunting means prohibited by law, such as electromagnetic calls reproducing the sound of the lark and / or the thrush.
Among the latter, a poacher from San Marzano di SG made use of modern technology through the use of sophisticated remote controlled acoustic signals. During the checks, electromagnetic recalls, six rifles and numerous cartridges, some specimens of species belonging to the protected fauna, were placed under criminal seizure. Seven individuals residing in the municipalities of Brindisi, Latiano, Cellino San Marco, San Marzano di SG, Grottaglie and Oria were also reported on the loose.
Poachers, in addition to having concluded their "hunting" season, risk penalties ranging from arrest from three to eighteen months for those who have practiced hunting without a hunting license, to a fine of up to € 1.549,00 for those who have used unauthorized means and / or killed non-huntable species, as well as the confiscation of the same hunting means.
In consideration of the rampant phenomenon of poaching exercised in the entire province of Brindisi, the men of the Forestry Corps will continue to carry out tight checks for the entire duration of the hunting season.
28 October 2013
Source: BrindisiSera