Poaching and surroundings. The intervention and control activity of the Provincial Police continues in the field of contrasting illegal hunting activities. In recent days there have been eight high administrative penalties while a man was reported for failure to change the place of detention of the weaponry and ammunition held.
The man was surprised in Cantagallo by Provincial Police agents while he was hunting at an irregular distance from a house. Subsequent investigations made it possible to highlight that the weapons and ammunition used were held in a different place than that indicated in the complaint presented to the Carabinieri of Vaiano.
Thus the seizure of weapons was triggered, 3 hunting rifles, and 19 single bullet ammunition. The hunter risks arrest for up to 2 months or a fine of up to 103 euros and reporting to the Police Headquarters for any measures to suspend the hunting license.
Following the numerous requests for intervention received from citizens, who ask for checks to supervise the smooth running of the hunting, especially for the respect of safety distances from homes, public roads and acts of poaching, the agents have intensified checks. In the course of these, irregularities sanctioned with administrative measures have been found in the last period.
In total, there were eight high penalties, one in Prato, one in Vaiano for the illegal detention of a trap for capturing wildlife, one in Vernio for hunting during illegal hours, and finally five in Cantagallo for illegal and non-compliant stalking, safety distance not respected and for lack of compulsory insurance coverage in the exercise of the hunt.
The Provincial Police Corps confirms its constant commitment to monitoring the territory and recalls its willingness to provide information and receive requests and / or reports on the number 337-317977 or the website of the province of Prato.
(November 27, 2015)
Source: StampToscana