Poaching and hunting controls in Capri. For some time now there have been reports of residents and tourists regarding episodes of clear violation of the hunting regulations, shots heard at any time of day or night, shots not far from houses and hotels on the island, even of hunting pellets entering hotel rooms.
The Mayor of Capri, Giovanni De Martino, collected the reports and thus decided to promote a maxi anti-poaching and hunting surveillance operation involving the volunteers of LIPU and ENPA who worked in collaboration with the Carabinieri of the local station; the Municipality provided the necessary logistical support to the volunteers who took part with food, accommodation, travel tickets to reach the island and means of transport for getting around the island.
During the operation that took place on the night between Friday 4 and Saturday 5 November, numerous checks were carried out on the island hunters but only three were sanctioned for administrative violations; the volunteers also found five electromagnetic recalls for thrushes, considered illegal for hunting and therefore subsequently seized by the Carabinieri against unknown persons.
Two people were also denounced on the loose by the Carabinieri because they practiced hunting activities using illicit electroacoustic calls of the "Fonofil" type; the two bullets and a hunting rifle were seized against the two reported subjects.
An immediate perplexity arises regarding the maxi operation wanted by the Capri mayor to deal with war bulletin warnings that prompted the mayor to spend huge municipal resources to provide maximum hospitality to the "volunteers" in order to encourage them to carry out the their "animal-environmentalist mission": the result appears rather meager therefore either the poachers are much smarter than expected or the reports collected contain high percentages of exaggerations probably aimed at attacking island hunters by portraying them, as often unfortunately happens, as real criminals .
At this point it is difficult to think that the same work carried out with such a waste of resources could not be included in the normal activity of the local police forces which certainly would not have affected the municipal coffers.