Protection of biodiversity in the promontory
“There is nothing anachronistic or biased in protecting the biodiversity and characteristics of the promontory Portofino, as well as in enhancing homogeneous areas of environmental and landscape value. If anything it is a coherent way of looking at the future. We have in fact re-established a balance, taking into account the majority of the wishes expressed by our territory. For the Portofino Park, therefore, the issue is not to preclude other Municipalities from joining, but to follow participatory processes, as has also been done in other Italian Parks.
A multi-party comparison
The objective is precisely this: to allow the choice to be made in an appropriate way, following a path of dialogue and discussion with the inhabitants and stakeholders, not by decree. In the same way, we freed the Municipalities that were immediately opposed to the previous perimeter from absurd constraints, always paying full attention to the area subject to protection.
Increased surface area
Furthermore, to be precise, we have already increased the surface area of the Park, but in proportion to its extension and its unique biodiversity, without extending it at this stage to territories that have little to do with the Portofino Promontory. We do not accept instrumental and non-constructive criticism that leads to nothing, but only creates confusion." Thus the vice president of the Liguria Region with responsibility for Parks Alessandro Piana on the notes of the opposition for the official perimeter of the Portofino Park (source: Liguria Region).