We want to clear the field immediately from any possible misunderstanding or exploitation on our firm and sincere condemnation of those who, for various reasons, mistreat or cause with their behavior, serious suffering or abuse of animals. That said, it must also be equally clear that we are feeling committed to fighting against the attempt to extend, to any occurrence concerning the hunting activity and the natural interconnections related to the use of animals for hunting purposes (dogs, live calls, etc.), the contestation of the crime of alleged maltreatment, to situations that do not present absolutely the characteristics for such a hateful and serious crime.
Common sense and a balanced reading of some facts and circumstances often gets lost, leaving to the citizen only the way of the courts and of justice as the only path to follow in order to demonstrate the truth of the facts and for reaffirm the correctness of their behavior. This is the case with the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation III Criminal Section, concerning an alleged crime of mistreatment, charged to a hunter who had put an electric collar around the neck of his hunting dog, even if not used. A sentence that overturns a previous ruling by the Court of Siena who had condemned the hunter himself. The Court, with its own reasons, has ruled that anyone who puts an electric collar on their dog will not face a criminal sentence if there are no signs of suffering caused to the animal. Defense lawyers Ridolfi and Betti, have expressed satisfaction with the pronouncement, as the Supreme Court accepted the defense's arguments.
In particular, the judges took into consideration the thesis that the dog did not show "signs of injury on the neck", was in excellent health and that any prohibited conduct, it was not about the mere affixing of the electric collar to the animal, as well as its use to the extent that it causes "serious suffering". A sentence therefore destined to make "school" and which opens a new approach to this complicated, as well as delicate matter. Our best compliments go to the Ridolfi and Betti lawyers, well-known professionals in several cases involved in the many problems and disputes concerning the hunting world (Confederation of Tuscan Hunters).