The Lauco episode
After a bear's predatory attack on six donkeys, three of which were found dead, near a farm in Lauco, the MEP intervenes Anna Cisint which highlights "it is unacceptable that our breeders, already burdened by the crisis in the sector, are forced to suffer predatory attacks worthy of medieval chronicles.
Wolf Protection
In Europe, after the approval of the European Commission, the technical board will meet in the first days of December to modify the Bern Convention for the downgrading of the wolf protection regime. The Habitats Directive will then be modified, so as to grant member states the possibility of controlling existing populations - if considered in good conservation status -, also through specific derogation culling programs.
The disappearance of small breeders
In this sense, I have already taken action to speed up the process, in order to speed up the achievement of solutions that can no longer be postponed, in order to avoid the disappearance of small local breeders who, with their work of caring for the territory and the niche excellences produced, enrich our splendid regional territory. (Source: On. Cisint secretariat)