Three days ago, Monday 12 June 2017, the teaching room-laboratory-restaurant of the“Mellerio Rosmini” Hotel Institute of Domodossola (province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola) hosted a meeting in which a really interesting project was presented. Is called "Eco-food supply chain processes" and provides for the establishment of a game meat supply chain in Ossola, goal to be achieved by January 2019.
Economic funding will be ensured by the Cariplo Foundation, while the initiative was personally promoted by the association Ars.Uni.Vco together with exceptional partners. In fact, we are talking about the Alta Ossola Montana Union, Alpine Hunting Areas VCO2 Ossola Nord and VCO3 Ossola Sud, without forgetting the departments of the University of Milan.
In this part of Piedmont there is a great need to give the right value to game, from transform into a sustainable resource. Furthermore, the Cariplo Foundation underlined the important repercussions that could exist for the territory. We have begun to talk about the supply chain in 2014, after the presentation of the project with the call for "Resilient Communities"