What do they have to do with it wild boars, pigeons, magpies and crows with the performance plan of Palazzo Nievo? They have something to do with it, if one of the objectives to be achieved by the provincial offices is the containment of these species in order to limit them the impact on the territory. An action put in black and white, with the aim of reaching the overall capture or killing of thousands of specimens. For the provincial police - which is in charge of the service - it is actually a matter of doing one's part in the implementation of the regional containment plan, which prepares specific annual actions against the proliferation of these different species in the single areas of Veneto.
According to the provisions of the Region, the provincial police have the role of giving operational application to the activities of direct collection "By the capture and / or killing" of the animals; control and coordination of all those involved in the implementation of the Plan and monitoring of the impact of animals. The wild boar, the provincial document reads, «is a non-indigenous fauna that has established itself in the Vicenza area and in other provinces of the Veneto in the last twenty years, favored in some cases by illegal immissions, which is causing numerous problems "; in particular «damage to agricultural production and activities; decay of the stands due to excavation; damage to natural biocoenoses ("systems", ed); road accidents". Hence the need to control the number.
In the provincial performance plan it is thus specified that «the withdrawals made and monitored are expected to be around a thousand heads for the year 2022". And again during the year, the aim is to organize "at least 10 specific control services in the evening-night hours". The fight against the proliferation is also foreseen for pigeons, with a forecast of capture of 6 thousand animals throughout the Vicenza area. Damage related to the pigeon they concern in particular the «damage to cereal production; the removal of food from livestock farms and cereal processing centers; the contamination of buildings and animal food, with repercussions on people's health ".
The "corvids" are instead linked to the "damage to agricultural crops consisting of cereals and fruit trees and predation of other sedentary wild species of hunting interest". Also in this case "in order to contain the impactful presence of these birds, especially the hooded crow and magpie", it is foreseeable "the implementation of about 50 sampling interventions", with specific traps and firearms. The number of specimens «will be contained within the maximum limits set by the regional plan of 1.500 crows and 1.500 magpies»(The Journal of Vicenza).