Constant commitment
The Councilor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry. Alessandro Beduschi intervenes regarding the declarations of some regional opposition councilors regarding the management of African Swine Fever (ASF) by the Lombardy Region and the Government. “First of all – declares Beduschi – the change that will take place in the next few days in the role of Extraordinary Commissioner following the work of Professor Caputo, whom I thank, does not change the constant and determined commitment of the Government and the Lombardy Region in the fight against ASF. Managing a health crisis of this magnitude is complex and requires coordinated and continuous efforts. It would be impossible to defeat this disease in a few months. However, what is certain is that in Italy and in Lombardy the best is being done, I don't know elsewhere."
The case of positivity
Regarding the positive case reported by the regional opposition councilors, the Region specifies that all the relevant investigations are underway by the Regional Veterinary Service within a family-run farm in the province of Milan, essential to introduce all the measures and any necessary protocols.
Coordinated actions
“The battle against ASF – underlines the councilor – will last years and requires constant commitment from all the institutions involved, also increasing as much as possible the control of the wild boars that transmit it. However, farmers need coordinated actions and targeted interventions and, especially in the cases of smaller and less structured companies, attention to biosecurity can never be lacking. Especially in areas where the virus circulates a lot, favored by the heat, such as that of the Ticino Park and the Milanese area. Great attention is required from man with his behavior, because even a small distraction can bring the virus into the farm, nullifying everyone's sacrifices." “What is certainly not needed – concludes Beduschi – are the exploitations of those who seem to be waiting for nothing more than a positive case to fuel controversies that no one feels the need for. Launching accusations even before the facts can be reconstructed and any responsibilities ascertained." (Source LOMBARDY REGION – LNEWS)