Vetrina Toscana presents from 3 to 11 December 2011 in Florence ”Artusi Week, a week of food and wine events in a combination of flavors between Tuscany and Romagna.
On the occasion of the centenary of Pellegrino Artusi's death, Vetrina Toscana inaugurates the usual annual initiative “Artusi Week”, a week of food and wine events to encourage meetings between producers, restaurateurs and consumers.
The program of the week Artusi Week from Tuscany Showcase: Tuscany and Romagna remember Artusi with a week of events and delicious recipes; in addition, there will be many opportunities to get to know and taste the famous recipes of the Romagna gastronome, culinary excellences born from the combination of the flavors of Romagna and those of Tuscany.
The event begins with "ARTUSI IN TAVOLA": for the duration of the event the participating restaurants in Florence and its province (here attached) will offer alongside the usual menu some dishes inspired by the Artusi cookbook, using local products from the Vetrina Toscana circuit .
The program of "Artusi Week" - an annual initiative within the regional project "Vetrina Toscana" which aims to enhance the excellence of the local food and wine tradition - is enriched this year by an event dedicated to game in the kitchen: "Caccia all'Artusi ”, A dinner starring game interpreted and proposed in the Romagna and Florentine recipes bequeathed by the great gastronome.
The dinner, organized with the collaboration of Federcaccia Toscana, is for Wednesday 7 December at 20,30 pm at the Trattoria “Da Burde”.
Among the initiatives we mention:
Tuesday 6 December - “Sangiovese meets Sangiovese” at the Church of San Carlo dei Barnabiti, 18.30 pm, Free admission. Reservation required.
Tasting with twelve labels from as many wineries, six representing the Florentine area and six from Romagna: the common thread is Sangiovese, a grape that is linked to the tradition of the two regions that were the homeland of Artusi.
Wednesday 7 December - “Caccia all'Artusi” at the Trattoria Da Burde, 20.30 pm, reservations required.
A dinner starring game, interpreted and proposed in the Romagna and Florentine recipes bequeathed by Artusi. Evening organized in collaboration with Federcaccia.
Friday 9 December - “Pellegrino d'Italia” at the ex Leopoldine Convent, 20.30 pm, Free admission. Reservation required.
Theatrical show written and performed by Leonardo Romanelli: a fun journey to discover the figure of Pellegrino Artusi among curiosities, anecdotes and the work of the great gastronomic unifier of Romagna.
The events may undergo changes, therefore it is advisable to check the event by contacting the organizing bodies directly.
Caccia Passione is not responsible for any changes to the dates of individual events