Caccia: Open letter to Minister Brambilla.
Dear Michela Vittoria;
you will remember very well, kind minister, what happened in May 2008. It was a record for Silvio Berlusconi, when he released the list of the team members of his fourth government after the interview at the Quirinale with Giorgio Napolitano, which lasted one hour and 15 minutes.
Il Cavaliere accepted the task of forming a new government conferred by the head of state by presenting the list of ministers. 'I am satisfied with the government team: there are many new ministers and we have kept the commitment of the four women', radiant the Knight as he left Palazzo Madama. Everyone certainly gave your name too, Michela Vittoria. The Ministry of the Environment now seemed an acquired achievement.
And instead, in the end, Berlusconi chose another 'beautiful' member of Parliament, Stefania Prestigiacomo, leaving out just you who, until a few months earlier, were his pupil.
You see, my dear, it is not enough to love animals to be a minister of the Republic; and not even if you had been assigned the one for which you were so striving, that of the Environment. Let alone what would have happened to the Men of the Woods if in these two years of government, instead of your rival in a skirt, it had been you, Michela Vittoria! Oh my God, from what emerged from the historic episode of 'Porta a porta' in February 2010, it is not that the game is so much more rosy for us than that of a Minister of the Environment who declares live on TV to all Italians, hunters I understood that I am against hunting, which already worries us so much. Indeed, a lot. But how to say: having to cut an arm…. better to cut 'only' your hand.
But I want to get back to you. Your department deals with tourism. Do you know that even all those you don't love benefit from the bureaucratic apparatus of which you are on the payroll? Try asking yourself what 'hunting tourism' is, and you will see that the answer can also be suggested by all the trattorias, hotels, bars, gas stations and even the ATCs (damn them!) That count on our passion! Because if you have a command hat on your head, you must not forget that the citizens, voters or not, pay that hat for you, and therefore also all those who go hunting, for tourism or for pleasure. Being Minister of the Republic is a serious matter and it is not enough to stroke the ears of a donkey on live TV, however graceful it is.
To be considered 'free-range' one must first of all be respectful of the diversity of others, of the specificities, of the countryside, of the traditions of one's own people and of one's country. It is necessary to know - tout court - that a carp will never be able to marry a baboon and that a hare is not a rabbit.
It is necessary - in other words - that a minister of all Italians, especially in a department like yours, MUCH CLOSER than you can imagine to those whom you insist on denigrating, the hunters, have well impressed the knowledge and differences between protection and conservation, development and territorial needs, humanistic ecology and nature conservation through its lasting use. In a word, as head of a department dedicated to Italians, you will have to strive to understand - above all - all those (and there are many!) Who do not think like you.
It would be enough that you, Michelle Victoria, in addition to the lipstick and the tinted base that you like so much, you sprinkled a bit of talcum powder here and there. Thus, just to better slip inside the popular wisdom which, as everyone knows, has suggested since time immemorial that understanding man and his dreams often means understanding his actions and works as well.
Minister Brambilla, even if with the necessary lexical references arising from the aesthetic and feminine difference that clearly differentiate you from our beloved Prime Minister, I will end up writing the same things also to the 'mascarato taster', to the 'sommelier of our local politics'. The same one who, in a moment of reflection, wanted to reward your forgotten loyalty, in the manner of Leo X and who, like him, 'made thirty' ended up - so to speak - by 'making thirty-one'.
Because I did not like, you know, the appreciation addressed to you by the premier with his letter of 29 October last, motivating it with the words' I congratulate you for the safeguarding of Italian natural resources carried out by Minister Brambilla and by the associations Enpa, LIPU, Italian Animalists, Fare Verde, LAV and Lega del Cane '-ndr-.
And not even all the fans of Diana that you continue to beat with impunity did not like it. While not recognizing themselves in any way in the 'extremist hunting lobby' (as they were defined following the same letter of 29 October), they are still citizens. Citizens who fatally - sooner or later - will go to vote.
Dr. Sergio Gunnella
- As a Published Receipt -