Another great success for the conference organized byTerritorial area of Macerata hunting 2 in collaboration with the Federcaccia di Montelupone Section at the Nicola degli Angeli Municipal Theater in Montelupone (in the province of Macerata precisely). Andrea Brusaferro, ATC Macerata 2 wildlife technician reported on the reading of hunting cards of the last four years.
In particular, there was a generalized increase in the number of sedentary items withdrawn, linked in particular to the correct management of restocking and capture areas e of the Areas of Respect Hunting, which led to a rewarding collection for the whole hunting season.
Analyzing the collection of some migratory species, a certain stability of the collection of the Woodcock and a strong increase in Wood pigeon; this is also thanks to the careful management of the ATC which has set up in full collaboration with local hunters some Respect Areas in places suitable for wood pigeons, in particular as "Dormitories".