The Gardonese company has for many years now been ranging between the classic smooth rods and the rifled ones in which, for a long time, Eng. Emanuele Sabatti believed in setting up the company that has now become a reference point in the sector.

The SABATTI Rover, the first hunting rifle proposed, is now overtaken by the New Rover equipped with a light alloy castle and an interesting barrel fixing system that directly receives the three bolt closing lugs: lightness, versatility and intrinsic precision are the cornerstones of the new rifle offered at competitive prices and in ten variants.
The recent one is added to the rifle kipplauf SKL20 equipped with significant improvements in the sealing and closing system. The rifling of the barrels is one of the company's prides and here we have the traditional profile one, while on other rifles, in particular the target ones where the Sabatti constitutes a touchstone, the MRR (Multi Radial Rifle) rifling designed by same company to obtain improvements in precision and speed by reducing barrel wear and parasitic deposits.