Safety in the countryside, the hunting associations re-propose the topic fearing a lowering of the levels of surveillance and protection of the environment.
The reorganization decree of territorial bodies eludes the problem by allocating the functions of the provincial police to the municipalities: it is necessary to rethink and transfer those skills and professionalism to the regions. This is the position of the main hunting associations in the face of a concrete risk for the rural territory. Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, ANUUMigratoristi and Arci Hunting on several occasions they denounced the risks of a lowering of the levels of surveillance and protection of our woods and the richness of our rural landscape, already on the occasion of the debate on the reorganization of the State Forestry Corps. Now the concern becomes even stronger when thinking about Hunting Areas and Institutes of protection within them, Parks, Oasis Refuges, Nature Reserves, the fight against poaching and more generally, but not least, wildlife management and care. The choice of the Government to reset the environmental protection functions of the provincial police to assign their staff to municipal police tasks would cause a total vacuum of supervision and controls and therefore damage to the environment.
The signatory Hunting Associations relaunch the issue of urgently regionalising the provincial police corps and ask the Parliament to modify the Legislative Decree 78/2015 concerning "Urgent measures in the field of territorial bodies", preserving precious skills and professionalism that risk being canceled in other jobs . Environmental culture receives great attention from citizens. Issues such as waste disposal, soil protection, protection of air quality, noise and water pollution, surveillance of hunting and fishing, protection of flora and fauna common to the community, cannot be considered marginal with a view to improving the quality of life of women and men, today and for future generations.
It is clear beyond any doubt that those of the provincial police are essential functions, which would not find the possibility of substitution, with incalculable environmental risks. Added to this is that the impossibility of monitoring the correct application of EU environmental regulations would jeopardize Italy's credibility towards the other nations of the Union. Parliament therefore corrects the Decree, also in the interest of better employment and recognition of the concrete commitment, even if often silent, of the thousands of voluntary guards of the Hunting, Fish and Environmentalist Associations, so that there is certainty of competence and a clear ownership. of the Institution that will be delegated to govern their supervisory tasks, a function that has now also been entrusted by the State to the Provinces.
In fact, with the rules approved by the Government it is not known which body authorizes those who freely dedicate their free time to a meritorious presence in the territories to prevent and suppress crimes against the wildlife and environmental heritage. In light of all this, the hope therefore is that Parliament will work to transfer the provincial police and powers to the Regions in the meantime, so as to overcome "misunderstandings" that are harmful to the country.
I love woodcock hunting, hunting dogs and Nature. I'm very interested in hunting news. Editor at Caccia Passione I deal with the development of the Social and Media News areas.
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