An appointment that is renewed every year the one organized by Brembana Valley Alpine Area and by the management ofHotel Institute of San Pellegrino Terme. An initiative that started quietly in 2007 on a project by CA Valle Brembana and the IPSSAR of San Pellegrino, coordinated for the CAC by Flavio Galizzi and Bruno Calvi, and for the Institute by the precious availability of the chef Prof. Carlo Calvetti, cooking teacher at the Institute, to which he has always dedicated himself with great passion and professionalism.
A competition that over the years has always grown in quality thanks to the teachers of the Institute, the availability and willingness to hear from each other part of the Territory by the Management of the Institute, today led by Dr. Brizio Luigi Campanelli, who supported and strengthened the project, in addition to the invaluable and qualified supervision of the Bergamaschi Chefs Association, renovated in recent years by chef Andrew Regazzoni and led this year by chef Fabio Sanga, who was entrusted with the final evaluation of the dishes proposed by the students, with the jury chaired by him, which included, in addition to the CA representative, the chef Simone Cadei, the Somelier Marco Falconi responsible for ADID, and the gastronomic critic journalist Elio Ghisalberti of the Elio di Bergamo.
Eight pairs of students of the 4th and 5th classes of Cuisine e eight students from Sala for the presentation of the paired wines they created 8 menus, which had the chamois as the absolute protagonist; 4 head of hunted game made available by the CA Valle Brembana hunters. For students of the fourth and fifth grades two didactic interventions have been planned, entrusted to experts indicated by the District: one on the correct treatment of hunted game meat and on the legislation concerning this delicate matter, and a second intervention on the Ungulates of the Orobie, to supplement the knowledge of the students on the subject of hunting, wildlife resources and wildlife management.
A very pleasant evening, under the banner of hunting and gastronomic culture, which has always characterized our valley and Bergamo area, and its hunting and rural traditions. Special thanks deserve the chefs prof. Luca Becherini and Prof. Mauro Spelgatti, who took charge of theassistance to competitors, as a participatory and professional legacy of the chef Carlo Calvetti, director of the Competition for many years, of which we all have a splendid memory, as both the Manager and Balestra recalled in their greeting. they also shared the proposal, from next year, to want to dedicate this competition to his memory.