GPS Transmitters
The capture activities organised to equip the woodcock and snipe species in the region with satellite transmitters have been successfully completed a few days ago. Marche, more precisely inside the Conero Park. Two specimens of snipe - a young one and an adult - and a young specimen of woodcock were equipped with a GPS transmitter, released after having verified their perfect physical conditions. The capture activities were entrusted to the consultant of the Studies and Research Office of Federcaccia Nazionale Alessandro Tedeschi, who with an extraordinary commitment and great professionalism managed to complete the capture plans, supported in the operations by the Provincial Vice President of Federcaccia Macerata Michele Merola.
The goals to be achieved
These activities fall within the scope of the collaboration project with the Universities of Milan and Pisa carried out by Federcaccia Nazionale with the Office of Studies and Research; by FIdC Marche, through the regional sectors ACMA and UCIM and the Conero Park, with which it is intended to trace the path to certify, with concrete and scientifically suitable means, such as satellite telemetry, the departure dates for the breeding districts of the avifauna, the migratory routes, the movements during the wintering periods and numerous other information relating to the various species investigated. The project is affected by the involvement of the two universities mentioned above, the University of Pisa and the University of Milan with their respective referents, Prof. Dimitri Giunchi and Prof. Diego Rubolini, whose Faculties are a fundamental part for the correct performance of the operations and the subsequent scientific publications at the end of the individual projects.
Who participated
With the hope that the research underway will be decisive for the future, we would like to thank first of all Alessandro Tedeschi, thanks to whose work the activities have been realized, as well as the members and managers of Federcaccia Marche who have lent their collaboration: Nazareno Galassi, Graziano Federici, Michele Merola, Daniele Morresi Daniele, Lorenzo Bianco, Sandro Mazzarini, Roberto Donnini, Francesco Terminesi and Terenzio Bolletta. The widest expressions of gratitude are also addressed to the Marche Region, to the Regional Councilor Marco Ausili, the cornerstone of the collaboration born between Federcaccia and Parco del Conero, the President and the Director of the Park itself, Dr. Luigi Conte and Dr. Marco Zannini, the Universities of Pisa and Milan, the Commander of the Provincial Police of Ancona Pierfrancesco Gambelli, the Technical Scientific Coordinator of the Studies and Research Office of Federcaccia Nazionale Dr. Michele Sorrenti and all his collaborators, Dr. Daniel Tramontana, who in Federcaccia Nazionale is the point of reference for the projects on snipes and woodcocks. Thanks also to Atc Macerata 2 which financed the purchase of the satellite transmitter for woodcocks, and last but not least, the ACMA and UCIM directors, who firmly believe in research (Office of Studies and Research Faunistic and Agro-Environmental - Italian Hunting Federation Marche).