A specimen marked in 2022
While field activities for the marking of the song thrushes next December, we received an interesting signal of a song thrush marked in December 2022 in Sardinia, which after nesting in Hungary returned to Italy in the province of Grosseto.
The movements of the bird
The signal is from November 24th, but it is possible that the presence was also a few days or weeks earlier. In the map below it is possible to see the movements of the subject over the months. Federcaccia will follow any movements and report them, together with information on the 2023 work campaign.
The objectives of telemetry
The main aim of the research concerns a project conducted with a multidisciplinary method investing in analyzes of biology and law. For the biological profile it aims to provide a picture of the winter movements, phenology and pre-nuptial migratory routes of various species of aquatic birds (source: Federcaccia).