It will be held Friday 29st January at 16.30 pm the second of the 5 appointments that are involved FIdC and FNC in the exchange of experiences of gray partridge management in agroecosystems envisaged under Action C6 of Life Perdix. The subject matter will cover The management of the species in France with the report by Guy Pindon (FDC 41, Fédération Départementale Des Chasseurs de Loir et Cher). In this second webinar we will talk about the hunting fauna management of the species aimed at the correct conservation of viable partridge populations in France.
At the end of the technical report it will be possible to ask further questions to the French expert. He will introduce and moderate Daniel Tramontana, Federcaccia manager of the Life Perdix project. To register (until January 28, 2021) you must send a request to the email address [email protected], indicating name, surname and association or category of belonging.