La self-defense it is a very topical issue, as is well confirmed what is happening in ours North-East. As reported by Il Gazzettino, the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia, has set the dates for the collection of signatures in the region for the popular law initiative: these are the next ones 7 and 8 May, two very close dates and which are the consequence of the great success of the petition launched in Pordenone, the city where over 300 people they signed in favor of the new measures.
Zaia himself explained that it is a choice aimed at defending the citizens and that it will be his own party, the Lega North, to collect signatures. At the same time, the governor denied that we are talking about signing a referendum, since there is nothing to repeal in this case. According to Zaia the most severe penalties and their certainty are no longer a necessity, but an urgency: however, “the model is not to sleep with the gun under the pillow”.
The Pordenone example is leading the way, also because the Friulian municipality has decided to respond to the increase in thefts in the area. The approval was very high and the requests are those to bring from 2 to 6 years the penalty for thieves who enter the house or violate the domicile of others, without forgetting the abolition of compensation for those who are caught stealing and are injured while fleeing andabsence of conviction for those who defend themselves in their own home. In the municipalities in the province of Pordenone, the collection will last until the next one 26st May.