Sports exemption
THEItalian Shooting Union has received a communication from the General Command of the Engineers, signed by Gen. D. Giuseppe Bossa, which authorizes the extension of the exercise of sporting and institutional shooting activities in the "open-air" stands as provided for by DT/P2 and the so-called "Sporting Derogation until June 30, 2025. The derogation is applicable only to shooting ranges that have already sent all the necessary documentation required for renewal and have not yet received the "visit" of the relevant commissions for usability. The activity will be permitted limited to one shooter at a time, regardless of the number of shooting lines, providing for the constant presence of the Shooting Director who will have to supervise and guarantee rigorous compliance with all safety criteria.
Letter of request
The Italian Shooting Union was recommended to urge and at the same time monitor the TSN Sections so that these provisions are scrupulously applied, considering that failure to comply with even one of the conditions provided for will cause the validity of the authorization to lapse. The provision of the Engineers Command follows the letter of request sent to the Italian Shooting Union (UITS) and the subsequent meeting with the military leaders in which President Costantino Vespasiano had forcefully represented the complex situation in which the TSN Sections falling within the area of competence of the 1st Infrastructure Department had found themselves pending the renewal process of the usability of the "open-air" stands.
Open collaboration
“I feel the need to express heartfelt thanks to General Bossa and all the leaders of the Military Engineering Corps for having fully accepted the terms of our request – commented the President of UITS Costantino Vespasiano –. A decision that is proof of a climate of dialogue and open collaboration that the Union has been able to restore and that preludes a common commitment to improve the approval process of the systems and the related timing, while always keeping the conditions of maximum safety in primary attention” (source: UITS).