Vesulus, an association of nature guides active in the Monviso area, dedicated the days of 6 and 7 May to two programs dedicated to university students of Turin. In fact, on 6 May a program was organized to deepen the census, the recognition in nature and the biology of deer and roe deer. After an introduction from the theoretical point of view, we moved on to the diurnal census on transepts and fixed points: not even the night census (from 21 pm to 22 pm) thanks to the help of the lighthouse.
On May 7, however, it was the turn of the census method and the biology of black grouse, with an experience and field trip. The meeting always took place in the same locality, Sampeyre (in the province of Cuneo), all conducted by qualified and experienced personnel. As reported by The print, the two experiences were appreciated and well exploited.
About twenty young people from all over Piedmont simulated the census, a unique opportunity for those who are studying subjects such as biology, geology and natural sciences, since we are talking about practice in the field. The newspaper reported the impressions of the students, who realized what the difficulties of the chosen job are. It was a way to understand if you are really inclined and for get to know the so-called "tricks of the trade". Furthermore, in the case of the day of May 6, the simulation made it possible to spot four roe deer.