Hunting in derogation of the starling: The Marche Region Council has approved the criteria for the withdrawal by derogation of the starling - Sturnus vulgaris - for 2010.
In particular in the Marche region, based on Article 2 of regional law number 8 of 2007, it will be possible to withdraw the canceled in the period 19 September - 2010 December 7, "also on the basis of the scientific results elaborated by the Regional Wildlife Observatory", underlines Petrini, who also recalls "the constant political - administrative attention of the Region to protect the needs of wildlife - hunting and agricultural, evidenced for example by the recent approval of the hunting wildlife plan and the proposed amendment to regional law 1995 of 4. Initiatives, these, widely agreed with the hunting associations themselves ". In particular, the cancellation will be available on the days of the first, 5,19, 22, 25, 26, 29, XNUMX, XNUMX of the month of September.
In the two-month period October - November, the withdrawal will be possible five days a week, with the exception of Tuesdays and Fridays, while in December, up to the date of the 19th, three days a week at the choice of the withdrawer, always with the exception of Tuesdays and Fridays. The collection of the species can only be carried out with the stalking system, without the use of live calls, within a radius of 100 meters from seed crops, vineyards, olive groves and orchards with hanging fruit, including the scattered vegetational nuclei that still characterize the Marche countryside.
"It will be allowed to derogate from the established territorial limit - observes Petrini - only for the month of October, coinciding with the accumulation of migrating specimens with sedentary ones: a circumstance that would nullify the action of contrast in defense of crops due to the significant economic increase of the harmful species ". The subjects authorized to collect are exclusively hunters registered in the area of registered residence, but the prescription does not apply to hunters who have opted for the type B form of hunting, in case they are holders of a fixed position located outside the 'Area of registered residence. The number of specimens that can be taken is limited to 15 animals per day and a total of 100 animals in the authorization period for each individual collector. At the end of the day, it is mandatory for each authorized person to write down the number of garments withdrawn on the appropriate card - paragraph 1 of art. 3 of regional law 8 of 2007.
It is also mandatory to deliver the card to the Municipality of residence by 31 December 2010 to allow it to be transmitted to the territorial hunting areas by 15 February 2011. As regards the time of authorization for collection, the provisions of the hunting calendar for the 2010/2011 season. The supervision of the provisions established by the regional council will take place under the coordination of the provincial administrations.
Source: Marche Region