Aid for the sector
The Region is taking the field to support breeders, with aid for 5 million and simplified procedures for the restoration of farms affected by epizootics and zoonoses. This is what is provided for in the call for tenders, already available in advance, published on the portal (Agriculture Department Section). “In recent years – recalls the regional councilor for Agriculture, Gianluca Gallo – Calabria has suffered a resurgence of infectious diseases subject to mandatory prophylaxis of livestock, with consequent recourse to mandatory slaughter contemplated for the control and eradication of African swine fever, as well as in the case of tuberculosis, bovine and buffalo brucellosis, sheep and goat brucellosis, enzotic bovine leukosis”.
Health qualification
Different events, all causing serious damage to the livestock heritage, since the compensations are only partial and prevent, or in any case slow down, the reconstitution of the initial heritage. Furthermore, in order to reintroduce animals into the farm, they must have previously reacquired the health qualification of officially free, which requires a long technical time to obtain, with negative effects on the economic situation of the breeders. "Hence the choice - underlines the councilor Gallo - to intervene with a measure that aims to make possible a complete and faster reconstitution of the initial heritage, also through the simplification of bureaucratic procedures, with the use of the Fincalabra tender platform, which will allow to significantly streamline the investigation of the requests and the granting of the contributions".
Maximum amount of contributions
Details: applications can be entered into the platform starting from 10:15 am on 16 July and until 31:2024 pm on 5 July. The financial allocation for the implementation of the call for the year 200.000 is set at XNUMX million euros, with a maximum contribution amount set at XNUMX euros, in order to facilitate access by an adequate number of beneficiaries. Investments will be admitted exclusively within the limits of restoring the production capacity existing before the calamitous phenomenon being addressed, therefore excluding lost income due to loss of production or any other form of operating aid. Furthermore, the subsidy will be directed exclusively to the purchase of replacement livestock for the restoration of the company's production capacity (source: Calabria Region).