The meeting with the extraordinary commissioner
“The placement of barriers on the highway to prevent the circulation of wild boars, the main vector of African swine fever, and the depopulation of wild boars respond to the proposals launched by Coldiretti two years ago, but must now be accompanied by the immediate provision of compensation for the affected farms" states the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini in commenting on the statements of the extraordinary commissioner for Swine Fever Giovanni Filippini in a hearing at the Agriculture and Social Affairs commissions of the Chamber.
Activities interrupted
“In addition to the direct damages, linked to the loss of animals – continues Prandini – we must also include the indirect ones, with farms forced to completely stop all activities, including repopulation”. Also strategic for businesses is the announcement of a sub-commissioner to proceed with the depopulation of wild boars, starting from the parks. The need to reduce the population of wild boars has been urged for years by Coldiretti, also with a massive mobilization that last summer saw the participation of fifty thousand farmers in Italian squares.
The Fazi of Montichiari
The problems that afflict Fattoria Italia will be the focus of the meeting of Coldiretti with Filippini himself, scheduled for Saturday 26 October from 11 am on the occasion of Fazi in Montichiari (Brescia), the Italian international event dedicated to livestock farming with 40.000 square metres of covered exhibition space. The appointment is from 11 am at the Sala Pedini of the Garda Fair Centre, in the presence, among others, of the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini, and the general secretary of Coldiretti Vincenzo Gesmundo, with the president of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana, the president of Filiera Italia Paolo De Castro and the CEO of Filiera Italia Luigi Scordamaglia, the councilor for agriculture of the Lombardy Region Alessandro Beduschi, the CEO of Consorzi agrari d'Italia Gianluca Lelli, the director of the Centro Studi Divulga Felice Adinolfi, professor of economics and agricultural policy at the University of Bologna and Piero Gattoni of the Italian biogas consortium (source: Coldiretti).