The causes of overpopulation
During the crisis table, urged by Coldiretti and held in the morning in Region, our regional federation has strongly supported the need to intervene with extreme urgency to respect the wild boar depopulation plan. “The situation is too serious and dangerous – press Gianluca Boeri and Bruno Rivarossa, President of Coldiretti Liguria and Confederal Delegate – to get lost now in diatribes on the causes of overcrowding. There will be time for that. Now is the time to act without unnecessary hesitation and excessive bureaucracy. There Liguria region must have the army intervene and facilitate and encourage those who can hunt and kill, as also indicated in the previous document signed by the lawyer. Bell tower".
Too much bureaucracy
The hunting season opened on October 2nd. In this context, the PRIU (Regional Plan for Urgent Interventions) foresees that up to 35.451 wild boars can be killed, that is 180% of what has been done in the last year. In this scenario, excessive bureaucratization of hunting operations discourages hunting, causing more problems than is intended to be solved through this surplus of regulations and practices. “Like Coldiretti - continue Boeri and Rivarossa - we do not intend to compromise: the huntable contingent cannot and must not fall below the 35.451 heads envisaged. Institutions must take note of this and find an alternative way to carry out these operations, which are fundamental for the safety of citizens, farmers and breeders of Liguria, and even deploy the army if necessary.
The safety of the population
It is also right to modify the regulation, so that a better active self-defense of the funds by the owners is allowed, and to finance a further use of cages in urbanized territories ”. "The territory - they conclude - must be protected and made safe: today wild boars not only represent the main vehicle for the spread of African swine fever (Psa), but, with over 2,3 million animals that besiege cities and towns. campaigns, put the safety of all citizens at risk. Liguria experiences a real danger every day in terms of both economic and protection of individuals and crops, as well as road safety, with increasing reports of devastated crops and accidents on our roads ".