A scenario that becomes more complicated
With over 2 million wild boars still roaming throughout the national territory and containment operations proceeding slowly, there can be no brake on the African swine fever. Thus Cia-Agricoltori Italiani, noting that in a few days the outbreaks of ASF in national plants have risen to 6 and have involved Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont and Lombardy, a region which alone accounts for more than 50% of the total pig farms. “We are very worried - declares the president of the CIA, Cristiano Fini -. The scenario has become considerably complicated, what was predictable has happened, given the excessive presence of wild boars especially in the areas involved. Now we ask for speed in responses."
The stability of companies
The pig sector, in fact, is already in great difficulty and now it will be necessary to provide significant resources to allow the companies to maintain and recover. “The compensation has stopped since last November - continues Fini - and it is increasingly necessary to support those companies that continue to work with enormous difficulties due to the imposed health measures. We need compensation immediately to cover all the indirect damages suffered with the sanitary block on movements and also with the depreciation of the garments".
“We can't wait any longer”
Furthermore, "further resources are needed for prevention measures, which to date have been found to be insufficient, as well as greater coordination and uniformity in the ASF control strategy - continues the CIA president -. The problem is national and we therefore hope that the general director of Animal Health, Giovanni Filippini, who takes over from commissioner Vincenzo Caputo after his recent resignation, will act urgently through extraordinary measures, overcoming bureaucratic constraints and accelerating culling to stop infections ”. “We can't wait any longer, the alert is maximum for breeders - concludes Fini -. Swine fever really risks knocking out a key sector of Made in Italy agri-food, which generates over 13 billion in production and industry." (Source CIA)