Challenges and opportunities
The European Parliament's Biodiversity, Hunting, Rural Intergroup, together with the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) and the European Landowners Organization (ELO), hosted the online event “Next steps for conservation and wolf management in Europe". Much of the discussion revolved around the European Commission's proposal to change the international status of wolves under the Bern Convention. A high-level panel of speakers comprising members of the European Parliament, the European Commission, wildlife conservation experts and key stakeholders shared their views on the challenges and opportunities for wolf conservation and management in Europe. Alberto Arroyo Schnell, Program and Policy Officer at the IUCN European Regional Office, who moderated the event, effectively enriched the debate by answering a series of questions raised by a broad audience. His engaging and informative approach highlighted the value of interactive dialogue in addressing complex conservation issues.
The continental future
Arroyo pointed out that “Thanks to successful conservation efforts, wolf populations have grown dramatically over the past two decades. Given the important role they play in our ecosystems, we must learn to coexist with wolves. This requires a balanced approach where all stakeholders can come together to discuss the future of wolf management and conservation in Europe. It is necessary to promote actions aimed at knowledge and cooperation, with the aim of establishing a balanced relationship between wolves and humans, to promote coexistence. So, events like this are more necessary than ever." At the opening, MEP Elsi Katainen (Renew Europe, Finland) said: “I warmly welcome the Commission's proposal on amending the Bern Convention […] As policy makers, we always remember scientific knowledge, recent developments and improvements. This is also the issue today with wolf populations [..] and the situation is very different than 30 years ago. Strictly regulated and sustainable management […] would be an additional tool to ensure the inclusion and empowerment of rural populations while ensuring wolf conservation. Wolves are part of nature, they don't live in backyards or animal stables."
A growing problem
MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido (EPP, Spain) said that “Objective data is more powerful than narratives. I would like to underline a disheartening fact to confirm that the wolf is truly a growing problem: every year wolves kill between 30 and 40.000 heads of livestock [...] To those who criticize farmers - and us, their representatives - for pushing for a downgrading of the wolf's protection status, we have said repeatedly that controlling wolf populations is essential to making life easier for those affected." MEP Herbert Dorfmann (EPP, Italy) highlighted how “The 1992 EU Habitats Directive served its purpose in an era when rigorous protection was needed. Today the situation is different and we must adapt the law to the new normality. Adapting the legislation does not mean that wolves will cease their natural hunting behavior. They will continue to attack the easiest prey available. But it provides greater space for intervention in areas where wolves are expanding rapidly and, above all, restores legal certainty. The implementation of management plans must be guaranteed by politics, not by arbitrary decisions of the judiciary".
Prevention measures
For MP Thomas Waitz (Greens, Austria) instead “The wolf is here to stay. It is vital for our biodiversity and our forests. The conservative push to change the protected status of the wolf is a baseless debate. Even with a lower protection status, the wolf will continue to be part of our ecosystem. Implementing measures to prevent damage to livestock is the only viable solution for farmers. Instead of giving in to populism, we should work on solutions that help farmers adapt to peaceful coexistence.” Dr. Humberto Delgado Rosa, Director for Biodiversity, DG Environment, European Commission, said: “The Commission's proposal to update the protection status of the wolf in the Berne Convention is currently being examined by Member States. Regardless of its outcome, Member State authorities should make best use of all tools and funding opportunities, already available under existing legislation, to reduce conflicts and improve coexistence. The Commission will continue to promote good practices and encourage the involvement of all stakeholders in the search and implementation of effective coexistence solutions, in line with our legislation and common political objectives."
A crossroads
Dr John Linnell, senior scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, explained that: “We are clearly at a crossroads when it comes to the future of wolf management in Europe. In recent decades there has been a spectacular recovery in wolf populations. On the one hand, this is a tremendous success for conservation, but there is no doubt that it also represents a significant challenge for many rural communities. We are no longer at a stage where we are saving wolves from extinction. Now we must learn to know and live with this success. We must find a sustainable relationship with these sometimes difficult neighbors. It's uncharted territory. There are no easy solutions, but it is important to approach this process using everything we have learned about using rigorous science and transparent, inclusive processes.” Luis Suarez, conservation coordinator of WWF Spain and member of the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe, stated that: “Wolves, like other large carnivores, are predators and are found at the top of the food pyramid of the ecosystem, playing a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance and healthy biodiversity. We must focus on taking advantage of these benefits and actively supporting those who coexist with them. Current funding schemes offer many possibilities for coexistence which should be fully explored and implemented by Member States. But it is also time to work closely with local communities and intensive livestock farmers to highlight their real problems and look for solutions in the new CAP. It is time to give additional support to those who truly live in balance with nature, contribute to its conservation and provide benefits to society."
Uncontrolled population
Speaking about the challenges and opportunities for wolf conservation and management in Europe, Niall Curley, Policy Advisor at COPA COGECA, said: “Farmers welcome biodiversity conservation measures, as long as they produce clear positive effects both for nature and for agriculture”. The study published in conjunction with the proposal found that there will be over 2023 wolves in the EU in 20.000, up from 11.193 in 2012. With such an uncontrolled population in the EU, over 65.500 livestock are killed every year. Protective measures and compensatory measures work. But as the attacks increase month after month and year after year, we realize that the money is not going to the right people. It is crucial that Member States have the ability to put in place population management plans that allow them to support populations that are not in good condition or in a good conservation status, and to equally address the growing numbers of wolves." (source: FACE).