Leonardo DiGioia, Councilor for Agri-food Resources of the Puglia region, announced the approval of the council resolution that allows the hunting notwithstanding the starling. The hunting can last until 14 January 2018 and the authorization came after recognizing the danger represented by this species for olive and horticultural crops. One of the most affected areas, in particular, is the one between the cities of Bari and Brindisi.
The trade organizations have clamored for the derogation, highlighting the studies and monitoring in the field that leave no room for doubt. According to the councilor himself, the hunt will help defend the Apulian landscape and to protect the important productions of the agri-food sector. The hunting authorization concerns the area of coastal plain of olive groves between the Bari and Brindisi areas, in addition to the various regional areas where olives are produced and in which the presence of starlings is massive.
Operators authorized and registered in the Territorial Areas of Hunting will have the opportunity to kill no more than 10 animals every day, while the maximum seasonal limit has been set at 30. The Apulian agricultural sector is in difficulty and this measure was taken precisely to enhance it and help it. The authorization will be valid from the sixtieth day of publication on the Official Bulletin, in the meantime the Ministry will be able to intervene with observations and changes.