Request for suspension
“Today is truly a good morning for Marche hunters: we learned a little while ago from our lawyers that the TAR of Marche has published the order with which it definitively rejects the request for suspension relating to the hunting calendar, especially for the pre-opening, postponing the collegial discussion to the Council Chamber on 5 September". Thus the President of Federcaccia Marche Paolo Antognoni communicated the decision of the Regional Administrative Court that the hunters were waiting for.
Adaptive sampling
“Therefore, the pre-opening to turtle doves and aquatics is safe, but above all we are faced with a TAR Decree which contains some very important passages because it refers to the adaptive harvesting of turtle doves and to what Federcaccia and its Studies and Research Office are supporting for years, demonstrating that the human and economic commitment and efforts supported by the Federation were directed in the right direction and are achieving the objectives we had set ourselves - continued President Antognoni - The result, however, is also the result of a shared intent with the other Marche hunting associations, in addition to Federcaccia, also Liberacaccia, Enalcaccia and Annu Migratoristi, who strongly wanted and committed themselves to the Regional Council to have a correct calendar, scientifically founded and sustainable and at the same time satisfying for the right expectations of the enthusiasts, something that hasn't happened for some time."
An important day
“A truly important day, therefore, because we have arrived at having a calendar with the right technical-legal foundations and the best for hunters, who deserve it. Heartfelt thanks to the President of the Region Francesco Acquaroli and to the entire Council for having shared the line taken this year and having strongly supported the pre-opening and closing dates by species on January 31st" concluded the President of Federcaccia Marche (source: FIDC).