Volunteer operators
There are an abundance of wild boars in Italy, far too many, and no area of the country can be said to be safe. What was decided by the Committee is clear evidence of this Piedmontese Po Park, the natural area established with the regional law of 27 March 2019, number 11, which needs volunteer operators to manage the wild boars within its perimeter.
The necessary requirements
As foreseen by the public tender, four requirements are essentially necessary:
1 Be in possession of a regular rifle license for hunting use with receipt of payment of the government and regional concession tax;
2 Be in compliance with the insurance for hunting in the required period;
3 Declare that they have not incurred criminal or administrative sanctions for violating national and regional legislation on hunting, the use and possession of weapons and the protection of the natural environment;
4 Having successfully completed the course for a selected operator for wild boar containment organized by the Piedmont region or one of its instrumental bodies or having obtained equivalence after having taken the course at another body.
The division of the chosen ones
To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities, a maximum number is defined by the Authority
of operators by territorial area. The following areas are therefore identified:
– western area: (municipalities of: Casalgrasso, Lombriasco, Carmagnola, Carignano, Villastellone, La Loggia, Moncalieri, Turin, Pino Torinese, Baldissero Torinese, San Mauro Torinese): 28 operators
– central area (municipalities of: Brandizzo, Chivasso, Castagneto Po, Monteu da Po, Lauriano, Verolengo, Torrazza Piemonte, Saluggia, Rondissone, Villareggia, Cigliano, Cavagnolo, Brusasco, Verrua Savoia, Crescentino, Fontanetto Po, Livorno Ferraris, Tricerro, Trino, Palazzolo Vercellese, Frassineto left bank, Casale Monf.to, Gabiano, Camino, Morano sul Po, Coniolo, Moncestino, Pontestura, Mazzè, Rondissone, San Sebastiano da Po, Villastellone) 40 operators
– eastern area: (municipalities of: Frassineto Po right bank, Valmacca, Bozzole, Bassignana, Alluvioni Piovera, Castelnuovo Scrivia, Bosco Marengo, Capriata d'Orba, Casalcermelli, Casale Monferrato, Isola Sant'Antonio, Pecetto di Valenza, Predosa, Valenza ) 32 operators.