La Bocca di Caset ringing station, in Trentino, is back in operation in these days for the usual activities, as can be seen from the most recent social posts of the same structure. In fact, this message appeared on Facebook last August 4th"Yes, we are back for a new migration monitoring season! After two non-stop days, everything is ready to begin: the nets, the rings, the operators and of course the small migrants".
The immediately following post was devoted to one of the typical species"A welcome guest in many of our gardens, the common redstart is also one of the first species to abandon its breeding sites for wintering. Like many other migrants of this period, he chooses the night hours to travel, when the climatic conditions are more favorable and the predators less numerous, and those of the day to feed. Instead, as the day progresses, the disheveled young representatives of the local avifauna make their way, contributing to enrich our catches.".
In the last few hours, new updates have arrived: "Birds are very sensitive indicators of environmental changes, revealing possible problems in advance. This is the case of the brushwood, which in unsuspected times revealed the danger of climate change: in 1968 a severe drought hit the areas of the Sahel where it spent the winter, causing a numerical collapse of its populations. The scarce rains of '83 and '90 had similar effects. Too bad his alarm went unheeded for a long time. Together with her, today we also ring some diurnal birds of prey"(Source: Bocca di Caset Ringing Station).