Taking advantage of a beautiful spring day and thanks to the availability of the primary school "Mother Teresa of Calcutta" in Montelupone, an educational outing took place at an artificial wetland located in Molino district in the municipality of Montelupone. For the occasion were present the provincial president of the FIdC of Macerata and coordinator of the Volunteer Hunting Guards of the Nazzareno Galassi association and the regional coordinator of the hunters Federcaccia Fabiola Bruzzesi and also responsible for the “school” project.
The trip was aimed at learning about the wildlife present in our territory that lives in these places or for nesting or for a transit waiting for reach the places of northern Europe and then nest there. The children were thrilled to see some specimens of the Egret, Cormorant and Mallard species. Some have been placed right in the lake of that wetland artificial nests by the Montelupone hunters, in order to facilitate the nesting of Mallards without the risk of being preyed upon by opportunistic species such as foxes and corvids.
The children were shown the constant maintenance work on this artificial wetland with the aim of finding a suitable habitat for the stopover of aquatic wildlife. An interesting experience for everyone that made people think that often we are not aware of the various wildlife species that populate our territory.
With the promise to deepen the topic even better, an event has been set in another wetland area of the territory for next spring (April May) with the hope of being able to view other species such as the Marzole, the Combattenti, the Knights of Italy, the pyro-piros, in short, the variegated range of aquatic wildlife that with the restoration of these wetlands, unique environments in our province that does not have wetlands of a certain extent, find environments suitable for them (source: Federcaccia).