Here is the thought of the Regional Federcaccia of Tuscany on the resolution for the roe deer selection hunting. According to the association, the text highlights, for the umpteenth time, a working method that the Region and the competent offices continue undaunted to adopt on many important acts concerning the hunting activity. A method that avoids any element of preventive comparison and that leads to having to evaluate and learn resolutions and provisions that have often already been published. Federcaccia Toscana together with all other associations members of the Confederation pointed out for some time to the Councilor Remaschi, to the council groups, and to the Regional policy, that by now on the subject of hunting we are experiencing a phase of serious retreat that seems unstoppable.
Also on the selection hunting for roe deer, we had, in spite of ourselves, to register the limits of a late provision approved during the race, and which is not affected on certain aspects of merit, by the necessary confrontation with all the interested parties - starting from the hunting associations and the ATCs - a confrontation that perhaps would have avoided some technical - managerial choices questionable under the strictly biological profile of a species which, as is well known, has numerous variables in its population structure within the variegated Tuscan territory. In fact, where greater autumn hunting pressure could also have been shared on females and young in specific areas of central Tuscany, but certainly not on the Apennine ridge where the species shows signs of numerical suffering, it does not find any plausible justification, neither technical, nor biological, nor managerial, the absurd spring opening to the male classes.
Male classes, which already demonstrate in numbers a more than satisfactory withdrawal, and indeed excessive and destructuring compared to the others. We therefore ask ourselves what is the rationale that inspired some choices that contrast with the biology, ethology, and fauna technique applied to the management of ungulates. Provided that, in Tuscany, we can still talk about wildlife management. It is therefore all the more necessary immediately restore the terrain of discussion and confrontation, to give back to the representative associations the role that belongs to them in the choices concerning wildlife management but also ethics and hunting passion.