La Gazzetta di Modena reported some interesting data relating to hunters from the Emilia province in 2015. The activity of the Provincial Police coadjutors, in fact, can be summarized in 8 thousand interventions: the total refers to the 24 municipalities that fall within the area of competence of theTerritorial Hunting Area MO2, to be precise from Nonantola to Polinago. The wildlife agricultural damage containment service was featured by 30 thousand killings.
There are 11 thousand pigeons and turtle doves, about 10 thousand starlings, 5 thousand magpies, 750 jays, 800 crows, over a thousand otters and 400 foxes. On the other hand, the estimates do not concern ungulates, which are not part of this type of business. At the top of the localities with the highest number of slaughtered figures castelfranco (over 5400), municipality followed by Modena-Bastille (4469), Formigine and Spilamberto (both about 2500).
As explained to the Modenese newspaper by Francesco Lamandini, number one of ATC MO2, the data are the unequivocal testimony of the commitment of volunteer coadjutor hunters in environmental and agricultural protection. This commitment, however, could become less burdensome, again according to Lamandini, with the full and active collaboration of municipalities, law enforcement agencies and citizens. The president's statements ended with the memory of the progressive abandonment of the countryside and the consequent demographic growth of wildlife, an increase that has caused many problems for the agricultural sector and beyond.