Yesterday, Wednesday 14 June 2017, the Constitutional Court blocked the Regional Law of Liguria number 29 of 2015 on hunting. Article 89 of this text would be unconstitutional, as Article 92 has also been defined as illegitimate, specifically in the part in which it authorizes the recovery of wounded garments with weapons even outside the scheduled times and in the days of hunting silence.
The same goes for article 93 and its provision for the use of wildlife culling plans even when ISPRA recognized its ineffectiveness. Article 93 is unconstitutional, then, in the part in which it speaks of the plans for killing hunters gathered in teams and of those who are qualified as assistants to wildlife control or as selecontrollers. This last rejection will be difficult to digest, given that thewild boar emergency concerns Liguria e especially the city of Genoa.
Francesco Bruzzone, president of the Regional Council, commented negatively on the sentence, explaining how the provision concerned the wildlife control and not hunting in general. The Ligurian hunters had already given their availability to closed hunts or in areas where activity is not permitted to put a stop to ungulates.